Data Wrappers
We have written some data wrappers to bring various instrument's data into SpecPro format. These may require modification and we don't guarantee that they will work with your data. They are provided as a guide.
If you have developed a wrapper for your data that you think would be useful to others, we'd be happy to post it here.
ASCII spectrum wrapper
This routine converts a general 1-D spectrum saved as an ascii file to the format used by SpecPro. The input ascii file should have three columns: wavelength (angstroms), flux, flux error.
MOSFIRE wrapper
Thanks to Andreas Faisst (afaisst at phys dot ethz dot ch) for providing this Keck/MOSFIRE wrapper.
Keck DEIMOS 1D/2D wrapper
This routine takes DEIMOS 1D/2D data in the format generated by the DEEP2 pipeline and converts it to SpecPro format. Optional inputs let you choose the output names of the 1D/2D files for SpecPro.
Magellan IMACS 1D/2D wrapper
Similar to DEIMOS wrapper, but takes 1D/2D files generated by the COSMOS IMACS reduction pipeline.
Subaru FOCAS 1D/2D wrapper
This wrapper may be a little rougher than the first two. Check the latest FOCAS formats and make adjustments as needed.
Subaru FMOS 1D/2D wrapper
Again, this wrapper is somewhat rough. Use with caution.