Revision History
Version 3.0
Added "/space" keyword for spectra taken on space-based telescopes, to prevent sky lines from being displayed.
Added "/hist" keyword to allow 1D spectrum to be displayed as a histogram.
Added "/OH" keyword to display near-IR OH emission regions.
Changed "Auto-update OFF" button to "Auto-z OFF". The meaning and functionality should be more clear.
Display microns for spectra in the near-infrared.
Added buttons "Alt 1D file" and "Alt 2D file". The purpose of these is to search for other 1D/2D files with the same slit number as currently selected, letting the user quickly jump between them (useful, for example, if different orients for a WFC3 grism spectrum exist, or if there is a calibrated and uncalibrated version of the same spectrum)
Double clicking on 1D spectrum now returns the wavelength (both in observed and rest frame).
Allow 1-D data to be stored in ascii format.
1D spectrum now saved to ascii in engineering format.
Allows confidence value to be stored as float.
Version 2.4
Change to allow slit numbers to extend beyond 999.
Added ability to find serendip coordinates by extracting the 2D spectrum, assuming that the 2D pixel scale, slitPA, and extraction position of the primary object are given.
Corrected bug in overplotting slit on stamp images.
Version 2.3
Fixed a bug with using the spectral templates in the absence of photometry data.
Corrected the wavelength solution for the "Blue Galaxy" template.
Changed the photometry plot to allow data points past 1e5 angstroms.
Version 2.2
Replaced the obsolete routine "findfile" with the updated version "file_search".
Version 2.1
Fixed bug when clicking stamps to retrieve coordinates in small version.
Increased RA/DEC precision in output file.
Version 2.0
Crude SED fitting capability (courtesy of Peter Capak).
Can now click stamps to retrieve coordinates of serendips.
Fit 1-D y range to zoomed region.
Increased allowed length of source name in output.
Button to turn off auto-update of z solution.
Version 1.6
Added coarse vs. fine redshift tuning.
Fixed issue causing floating point error warnings to appear.
Auto-z now only computed on zoomed region of spectrum, allowing user to effectively mask bad parts of the spectrum for cross-correlation.
Version 1.5
Bug fix for stamps containing "NaN".
Fixed slit overplot routine for the case in which the slit extends off the frame.
Version 1.4
Fixed stamp name formatting.
Made allowed names of parameters in info file more flexible (e.g. slitPA or slitpa).
Bug fix when running without 1-D.
Bug fix when creating new info file.
Version 1.3
Give user choice of 1-D file to select when multiple matches are found.
Create new info file for serendipitous sources, with extract position.
Tweaked small version so now it works on a 13'' laptop.
Version 1.2
Handle the case of multiple 1-D files for a single slit.
Correctly display extraction position for re-extracted 1-D.
Option stamp list now holds up to 100 stamps.